I’m Flo Gascon and this is where I write about my life, mostly as a mother.
I’m not an expert on anything, especially since change is the name of the game and I sometimes can’t choose between A or B. I want both, usually. This is not a place for me to pretend to have all the answers or a perfectly peaceful home but I promise this: I am a truth-teller of the way it is. An advocate for the way it can be. I am a wife, mother to my always-unschooled girls, daughter, sister and friend. Among and in-between, I take portraits, organize events and am the creator of the Wide Sky Days family events, now online community. Alongside romping with my girls on sandy beaches and wrangling reproducing sticky notes, I take notice, drink tea and make dreamy plans as if I have many lifetimes yet to live. Because there is so much life to love that once surely won’t be enough.
I am full of contradictions. Extremes. Deep loves. Strong emotions. Life.
Do-it-yourself and don’t-quit vim and vigor of rural New York roots met relentless pursuit of the good life in San Diego, CA via Seattle and Boston. I found the blue of an ocean that reflects the color of my eyes and feels like home. Snap of a camera lens that records my point of view and feeds my soul. Crunch of pebbles under my barefoot running shoes carries me forward. Scarred skin that held my two babies and witnessed birthing at home. Early morning snuggles and late-night books. Laughter that rings from the exploits of young girls. Guitar strums as my husband unwinds from work. Felt-tip pens and bound paper that try to keep up with my words and ideas. Dangly earrings that state my playfulness. Floral teacups I bought just because they were beautiful. Anthro quilts and comfortable jeans. Sundresses and gemstones. Color and texture and shape of design. Sweetness of the chocolate I will never refuse. Salted margaritas offered over bonfires and through friendship. Peaceful parenting. Never sending my kids to school. Knowing that life can offer so much more than curriculums and punishments. Browsing in book stores and lingering over tea at the coffee shop. Buying everything at the garden store and stalking travel sites. The divine and the everyday. Deep thoughts and thoughtful depths.
Improving the connection to self and family.
I believe:
the most direct way to figure something out is to figure yourself in. the best chance to help yourself is to be yourself. building legacy is more important than fading fads. you are beautiful.
I believe in:
using today because it’s all that we have. expanding endlessly and expressing entirely. asking questions rather than seeking answers. finding the light, being the light and sharing the light. blessing this world with our unique heart and indomitable spirit.
This is where I do it.

Hello! I love connecting and building relationships so please feel free to contact me. The quickest way to get my attention is to DM me on Instagram.
Tell me about yourself, ask your question, collaborate with me. Reach out and say hello!
email: [email protected]
instagram: flogascon
pinterest: flogascon
membership: wide sky days
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